The fan works without batteries, cords or electricity and is environmentally friendly. It generates energy thanks to the heat given off by the surface of the stove. The base of the fan transmits heat to the power-generating units, and the power-generating units convert thermal energy into kinetic energy. The energy to drive the motor, then the blades spin. Upgrade 4 blades and blow hot air throughout the room. Simply place the fan on a flat, smooth surface on top of your stove, near the side or back of the stovepipe. You must place the fan at least 4 inches from the stovepipe. It will work when the stove surface is hot. Operating Temperature: 40°C-340°C (644°F): The fan rotates when the temperature reaches 40°C. The hotter the base of the fan, the faster the fan rotates and the more the fan circulates in the room. It will slow down and stop as the stove cools. Anodized Aluminum Material: The fan is made of anodized aluminum, which will not rust or corrode if the fan overheats. A