Celsi Electriflame VR Acero 1.5kw Inset Electric Fire – Chrome/Black Nickel 5060520792668 EVRIABRE

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The clear attraction with the E-VR Acero is its wider than average flame viewing area spanning over 17 inches. Complete with a choice of 26 inch fascia, finished in Chrome & Satin Silver, or Chrome & Black Nickel. Electriflame Virtual Reality glass fronted fires capture the essence of what is perceived to be real when it comes to fire. E-VR is an extraordinarily advanced effect that provides an eye catching display of beautifully colourful and lively flames. This remarkable technology delivers further sophistication that is virtually indistinguishable to that of a real flame emanating from beneath the fuel bed, and throughout the authentic natural aesthetics of the logs. The visual depth of E-VR is impressive, designed with blazing logs at the forefront, and subtle reflection throughout the centre and rear of the effect. This optical illusion of fire depth perception will fascinate and mystify, as it defies your sense of reality. The inset rebate is 75mm and is fitted with a 40mm