Comfortable warmth for balconies, patios and outdoor spaces: the Blumfeldt Blackpool Heat patio heater with IR ComfortHeat system brings gentle infrared heat to cool days and nights! When the temperatures drop, simply activate the Blumfeldt Blackpool Heat patio heater with the remote control, select the desired heating level and breathe new life into every party or dine comfortably outside until late at night. The high-quality original design with a metal body in a retro look also gives the you feeling of relaxing at the Blackpool piers and defying the cool, foggy, English autumn days. The Blumfeldt Blackpool Heat radiant heater can be easily hung on a hook on the ceiling and connected to the socket with its extra-long power cable almost 2 metres in length. No complex installation is required, and it will be out of the way as it warms you and your guests quickly and efficiently from above with up to 2100 W. Thanks to the smart IR ComfortHeat technology, the infrared heat is