For more moments of wellbeing and a romantic atmosphere: the Basel Illumine electric fireplace from Klarstein provides cosy warmth on cool days and cold nights. Even when switched off, its front made of glass and brushed stainless steel gives every living room a healthy dose of modern elegance. When switched on, a beautiful LED flame simulation comes to life, bathing the room in dim, beautiful light just like a real fireplace. At the same time, the Basel Illumine skilfully saves the hassle of lugging wood around and lighting the fire, not to mention the resulting dirt – a push of a button is enough to create a fireplace atmosphere. A dimming function enables the brightness to be set so that you can choose between a blazing fire or a cosy glow, depending on your mood. Thanks to the realistic chimney dimensions, the Basel Illumine pulls out all the stops as a wonderful visual highlight in the living room, bedroom or study. If necessary, the mood of the Klarstein electric fireplace can